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How to Save Money for Your Future Every Day

Living frugally isn't something that most of us are accustomed to, as we want to enjoy life as much as possible. Earning just enough to cover the cost of living is no fun, but we all want to have a bit of money to put aside for fun, for entertainment, and, most importantly, for our future!

If you plan on buying a new car, a house, or investing in something that will pay off in the future, you can start saving money today. Here are a few simple ways that you can save a bit every day, and that money will go towards your future investments:

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How Parents Struggle To Pay Kids' College Debts

College Debts - The Real Facts

Many parents now wonder whether or not they should take loans to pay college tuition for their children. Some parents have become very cautious because they see other parents struggle to pay the debt. The question is why has college debt become such a big deal? Of course, debt is a scary word and parents understand that it is nothing less than going through a rough patch.

Having said all this, it is really difficult for parents to make a decision when it comes to applying for a student loan. All sorts of thoughts are going through their mind. Thoughts like: what will happen if they are unable to stay true to the commitment they've made with the lending company?' Most parents are even scared to think about the consequences of a large college debt.

Angelique's picture

Struggling Not to Go Broke in London…

Angelique is originally from the Seychelles and has recently finished studying Law at the University of London. Here she goes through the problem all students face in London- MONEY:  

Struggling not to go broke in London? This is definitely for you!

London is known for being one of the most expensive cities in the world. Many students travel miles away from their homes to study in London only to be faced with this crisis:


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Student Finance Top Tips

With today being one of the best days of the year to save money, with shops slashing their prices for Black Friday, we thought we'd bring you some top tips to help with your student finances. Below you can find easy ways of making extra cash, the best ways to save money whilst shopping and some top tips to make your budget go further.


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